i love this video.
enjoy =)
biN, you are what I've been looking for...
*smiles widely*
♥ adeL darling
went for SYC Concert (Choir Ensemble) yesterday with my cuzzies, aunt Vicky, uncle Ronnie and bin. an eye opener. my first Choir Ensemble. Impressive. heh. Kenny's the reason why we were all there. he's better be feeling honoured! heard his solo too. my first time hearing him sing. haaha. will make him sing on my wedding!
anyways, as I did not have a proper birthday celebration for my darling bin cos of the family gathering and the concert yesterday, we went for some Russian cuisine at Far East Shopping Centre. SHASHLIK. we had a four course dinner. escargots. borsch (soup). pepper steak. fish. cherry jubilee with brandy (dessert). the entree and mains were not impressive but borsch and cherry jubilee were well beyond our expectations.
i love food.
live to eat.
especially when i'm with bin.
♥ adeL darling
it was the worst for him. i know. i saw it from his face.
sorry. i know i did not put in effort. what have i been doing?
busy doing nothing.
♥ adeL darling
Happy Birthday darling!
*muacks from head to toes*
♥ adeL darling
i love bin. he makes me smile all the time. we washed our cars together today at my place. heh. his new black toyota and my 1.5 years old blue kia. we vacuum the interiors, dust our carpets, shampooed our cars, rinsed and waxed them with loads of love and care!
i just love him.
just the way he is.
the way he moves.
the way he talks.
the way he looks at me.
the way he sleeps.
the way he...
i love everything of him.
♥ adeL darling
i learnt something while reading a book today.
Courtesy, cost nothing
♥ adeL darling
i went for mambo with my cousins. i know this sounds weird. haaha. it has been a long time since we did something enjoyable as a group. the last time was X'mas many many years ago where we walked the whole of botanic garden.
i just want to get some things off my chest. not out to offend anyone. just read with an open heart if u must...
i just want to say that if the family does not help itself to get together since that ah ma is gone now, someday, we will just walk pass each other not knowing that we are relatives. i can see small cliques forming. the well-to-do aunts getting together for their small party, leaving the rest of the family out. ah ma asked me some time before she fell ill "why are your aunts gathering by themselves and not ask me[ah ma] or any other siblings along?" i just stared at her and told her that cos the aunts who gathered together are tai-tais who don't have to work their ass off and worry about daily expenses. people tend to think that my dad is unfriendly and overly thrifty but they don't know and couldn't see how hard he has worked to make sure that he can provide his three kids and my ah ma with the best he can afford. daddy may have a very short temper, a loud voice and bad interpersonal skills but i know that he is the BEST DADDY any one could ever have.
sometimes i wonder whether it is true that "Blood is thicker than water". ah ma was right about one thing that she kept saying everytime one of her kids left after visiting her. "Once i'm gone, no one will come to our house anymore, people come to visit me for a purpose, not because i am their mother or that they care about me truely but they all come with a purpose, with something in mind and you will know when i am gone." i hate it when she said this. cos i was afraid that she will die and i knew what she said was going to happen and what people's purpose were. some of her kids are after her money. i know this sounds bad. yes. and i am ashamed of them. my ah ma, while she was alive, told me that it is going to be difficult to expect the rest of her kids to pay for her funeral except my dad because she knew them too well. she saw it through my grandpa's funeral. and the night when ah ma passed away, i was so disgusted by what one of my aunt said "we are daughters, we marry out, so we cannot make any decisions". what a load of crap. when the aunt said that, i thought to myself that since this aunt has only daughters and all of them are going to be "married out" of the family, you can forget about any funeral for yourself since none of your daughters can make any decision. what is wrong with you people.
and i did not like the fact that the aunts kept talking about my bro, as though he is infilial. hey, talk about yourselves before you point your fingers at my brother. everyone has a different way of letting go, a different way of mourning. none of you kids of my ah ma ever visited her voluntarily. it is always because she called and asked why haven't you all visited her then you guys decided to drag yourself down to see her. my brother was by her side all the time. he was there to talk to her when she was lonely, there to buy her favourite food whenever she wanted to eat and there to bring her water when she coughs in the middle of the night. so don't you aunties ever say my brother this and that!
u have NO right to do so.
♥ adeL darling
my ah ma passed away on 13 August, last Sunday night. i will always remember how i felt when i lost my ah ma. it was and still is fresh in my head. such immense pain and heartache. tears still fill my eyes when i think of her.
through it all, the wake, the funeral, i saw a different side of people. people whom i thought who were true to ah ma and people who were not. i saw misunderstandings building up and clearing up. i saw care and concern shown among my ah ma's children. i know deep inside my heart that i have not spent enough time with my family. that my family needs me more than anyone else. that people around me are always concerned. i saw things that i never knew. i realised stuffs about my friends when they came. i know more about my parents. i kinow that my parents are folks who put in alot of effort to see that things go well. and that ah ma was right.
i know that my ah ma is well taken care of now in heaven. i know that my brother is trying to take in the fact. i know who is true to us. thank you ah ma for letting me see a different side of life.
♥ adeL darling
my grandma is very ill.
in coma now.
she's suffering from brain haemorrhage.
the doc said that she will be leaving us soon.
everything happened so fast.
♥ adeL darling
i feel sick. flu. sorethroat. damn it. must be the self made burger.
wanted to have something really meaty for lunch. so i put 4 beef patties between 2 slices of white bread.
josh said that it looked disgusting.
but it tasted freaking good. haaaha.
♥ adeL darling
found a little secret at bin's place yesterday. hahaha...
he was showing me the little notes that he got from people when we were in india playing the "Fuzzy Buddy" game, where people can write to each other anonymously. and i only wrote 2 to him. the best part was, i found a note addressed to ME!!!! written on this "Indian Immigraton form" haaaha... paper is expensive in india u know.
shy pig. never give to me.
keep till now, 2 years 8 months, till he forgot. goodness.
it goes something like:
Today is really a memorable day for me cos i have spent the most time with you....
haaha...and more, for myself to know only.
and i looked like shit when i was in india, dressed in slacks, old clothes, with spectacles and pimples over my face.
i think he like ugly girls.
*smiles widely with no teeth*
♥ adeL darling
got a glimpse of the fireworks at Marina at 9pm just now at the expense of bin's health. sorry dear. should have gone home. bin's down with flu since Monday but i wanted to watch fireworks at Marina so we made our way there at 7pm from Orchard, but his flu got worse and it spoilt his mood to watch anything and of course i was affected too, to the point that i don't want to watch it anymore but he insist that since we were already there, might as well. i felt bad. still feeling bad.
GET WELL SOON darling!
♥ adeL darling
finally changed the photos at the main page.
and got a new tag board. heh
*big smile*
went to school today again. just to collect the equipments for monday's experiments at 8am at whampoa. yup. and K tried to strike a conversation with me. haa. but i think i am just not the kind of person that can talk a lot of crap to people that i am not close to. poor K kept trying to maintain the conversation and i kept wanting to get out it. he's a nice guy. kept giving me advice on the modules that i should not take. was intending to take bahasa this sem but he took it last sem and said that it is terribly time consuming, like 5 hours of lessons a week. hmmm...don't think i want to take it now =)
♥ adeL darling
i am tired of going out. yes. finally. i can imagine my parents going "yes" with the hand sign. i am officially sick and tired of walking around and not buying stuffs. yes. i don't buy things these days. just don't feel the need to anymore. my darling gets me all i need and want. i saw this really nice new season Zara dress and bin just took it off the shelf when i put the dress back on the shelf. i tried it. looks good. just that it's not worth the price. thank god i was fast enough to stop him from paying. my boy's a little nuts sometimes. but he makes me happy =)
♥ adeL darling